Photo of Peyton Demith

Peyton Demith is an Associate in Vedder Price’s Chicago office, and a member of the firm’s Labor & Employment group.

Mr. Demith focuses his practice on traditional labor law. He has experience in collective bargaining negotiations, grievance arbitrations, unfair labor practice charges, recognition petitions, and other administrative matters.

On January 10, 2023, the Illinois legislature passed the Paid Leave for All Workers Act (the “PLFAW Act”), with an expected effective date of January 1, 2024. Illinois will join Maine and Nevada as the third state to require private employers to provide to employees earned paid leave that “may be taken by an employee for any reason of the employee’s choosing.” (For a more detailed discussion, click here).Continue Reading New Law Requires Illinois Employers to Provide Paid Leave for Any Reason

On September 30, 2022, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) held that employers violate Section 8(a)(5) of the National Labor Relations Act when they cease dues checkoff after the expiration of a collective bargaining agreement. Valley Hospital Medical Center, Inc., 371 NLRB No. 160 (“Valley Hospital II”). The split decision came on remand from the Ninth Circuit after protracted litigation in federal courts.Continue Reading NLRB Rules No Unilateral Changes to Dues Checkoff After Contract Expiration